Monday, August 20, 2007

Princess Gracie turns one!

We gave Gracie a birthday party on Aug. 5th, one week after her real birthday. It worked out great that way since cousin Alyssa was going to be in town. Even though it was way too hot outside, it still was a great party! Gracie was a little clingy to me at first - I think she was a little scared of all of the people at her house. She loosened up after Aunt Tracy gave her some Cheetos though! She scared the crap out of us all by gagging on her lunch though. She just tries to shove it all in her mouth at once (she's gotten better in the past 2 weeks though). She was fascinated with the candle on her cake and kept reaching for the pretty flame! She grabbed fistfuls of cake and icing and managed to eat about a third of her little cake. I'd say her first experience with birthday cake was an enjoyable one! After the cake, she (umm - ok -I) opened presents. She did play with the tissue paper afterwards though. After all the fun, she crashed hard for a couple of hours. It was a lot of excitement for such a little girl. After the party was over, Clint finally got a chance to look at the bubble machine and figure out why it wasn't working. Gracie managed to get bubbles for her birthday party, just after everyone was gone! It's ok though, because the fact that it was getting dark out made for better pictures. I love the one of Alyssa holding Gracie with the bright colors of the bubbles showing! By the way - Thanks, Linzi, for playing photographer at the party. You took lots of great pics! :)

I have to explain this picture. I kept asking Gracie to share her cake with me, but she never did. So Fisher (who was holding his own cupcake) stuck his finger in Gracie's icing and fed it to me. Thought that was kind of funny!

Aunt Tracy, I'm so tired and thirsty. I need a bottle break before opening my presents!

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