Monday, March 31, 2008

What a catch!

The boy has finally lived up to his name. The Fisher-man is officially a fisherman! Clint took some time off last week and he and Kevin went fishing. Clint usually collects bait fish in traps in our pond and our "neighbors" pond. Of course Fisher loves going with him to throw out the traps, but he also told Daddy that he needed his fishing pole! So on the second morning, he took Fisher out to our pond to catch some bait. He set the pole up so that he could just cast it out for him and let him watch the bobber for a bite. But you know Fisher - he wanted to throw it out himself. A 3 year old whipping a hook around is a scary thing. I went to take it away from him and I tossed it out again for him. He was busy trying to follow Daddy down the bank when I got a good bite! He helped me finish reeling it in, and it was a very decent sized perch! Not a bad catch for his first fishing trip.

They tried to get Gracie in the picture since the fish were bigger than her, but she took one look at those ugly fish and headed straight for Mommy!
The fish fry was fun and so was the poker game afterwards!

Playing at the park

We met my friend Deanna and her kids at the park the other day. Fisher had a great time playing with all of the kids. Deanna's son Carson just loves Gracie and is so loving towards her. At one point, Gracie was at the top of the slide, but didn't quite know how to get down. I tried to get Carson to help her down, but I guess he didn't want to push her, so he slid on down. Then he told Fisher that Gracie was stuck at the top of the slide and that they had to go save her! Fisher had no problems giving her a little shove down the slide - lol. They were absolutely worn out afterwards and were asleep as soon as we headed home.

How cute is this?
Chloe's looking cool in her shades!
All four kids in one picture - how lucky is that?

Dyeing Eggs

We dyed Easter eggs for the first time this year. We had the dye all set up on the table when Clint's brother and sister-in-law stopped by. We visited with them for a little bit but Fisher was just "dyeing" (hehe) to get to the eggs. After we said goodbye to Cody and Leslie, I told Fisher we could dye the eggs. I stopped in the living room to grab my camera, and by the time Tracy, Gracie and I got in the kitchen, Fisher had already popped an egg into the holder, dipped it in the blue dye, and laid it out on my kitchen towel to dry! Now how did he know what to do when he has never seen it done before? Too funny - and nice blue dye all over my dish towel - haha. I figured we could get away with just letting Gracie hold the eggs. I could just see Easter egg dye all over the table, floor, and the baby, so I was hesitant to let her get close the the dye cups. But her screeches persuaded me otherwise. And just like her big brother, she wants to do things herself. I tried to hold her hand with the dipper - she protested. I tried to hold onto the cup of dye - she protested. I finally gave in and let her do it herself, and she daintily dipped, dipped, dipped! Pretty cute. Then I tried to get pics of them holding their eggs, and she smashed hers on the table a couple of times - lol. And, as you can tell in the last picture, she dropped it on the floor. Not a problem - I'm just glad I didn't have any spilled dye!


The Easter Bunny visited our house leaving surprises in the baskets and hiding eggs all over the kitchen and back yard. The kids had lots of fun finding them. Fisher was an old pro hunting for the eggs, and it didn't take long for Gracie to catch on. We then headed to Lolo's and Poppypaw's house for lunch and another egg hunt. Even though the forecast said rain, it ended up being a beautiful day and a very nice Easter.


Gracie got to play with Play-doh for the first time the other day! She had lots of fun, and I'm just really surprised that she didn't try to eat it!

Playing Outside

Our weather here has been crazy - as usual. Warm one day, cold the next, and a lot of rain over the past several weeks. In some of these pics, it had been raining so much that we couldn't wait to get outside on a sunny day, even though the front yard was one big puddle. No problem - we have boots and a bathtub!

She LOVES the dogs!