Monday, March 31, 2008

What a catch!

The boy has finally lived up to his name. The Fisher-man is officially a fisherman! Clint took some time off last week and he and Kevin went fishing. Clint usually collects bait fish in traps in our pond and our "neighbors" pond. Of course Fisher loves going with him to throw out the traps, but he also told Daddy that he needed his fishing pole! So on the second morning, he took Fisher out to our pond to catch some bait. He set the pole up so that he could just cast it out for him and let him watch the bobber for a bite. But you know Fisher - he wanted to throw it out himself. A 3 year old whipping a hook around is a scary thing. I went to take it away from him and I tossed it out again for him. He was busy trying to follow Daddy down the bank when I got a good bite! He helped me finish reeling it in, and it was a very decent sized perch! Not a bad catch for his first fishing trip.

They tried to get Gracie in the picture since the fish were bigger than her, but she took one look at those ugly fish and headed straight for Mommy!
The fish fry was fun and so was the poker game afterwards!

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