Friday, February 23, 2007

What's new with the girl.......

I started Gracie on rice cereal a couple of weeks ago. She looks happy enough in the picture, but after a couple of days, she really didn't like it anymore. I stopped giving it to her for a week or so and just started back a couple of days ago. She's doing a little better, but still not thrilled with it. As you can see from the picture, she has started rolling over! She started rolling from her tummy to her back in early December, and started rolling from her back
to her tummy at the beginning of the week. I missed the first time. I had put her on a blanket with some toys, and was back in Fisher's room with him building with his train tracks when I heard her fussing. I came out and she was on her tummy - I thought "I don't remember putting her down like that" then realized that she had done it herself. Now she is rolling all around, pushing herself around in a circle with her feet. Next steps will be sitting and crawling - then I'll have 2 to chase around all day!


Kristen said...

She is so beautiful!! Her expressions are priceless! It took Zach quite a few times before he liked to eat too! :)

Amy said...

Raegan says, "Ohhh, how tute. Her's messy!"