Friday, February 23, 2007

What's new with the boy.....

I started going over the colors with Fisher last week when he had his crayons out. I would pick one up and tell him the color and ask him to say it back to me. He was pretty good at saying them all. He had an ABC book out earlier in the week that had a picture of an orange on the cover. I pointed at it and told him that it was an orange and that the color of it was also orange. A couple days later he was pointing to an apple and an orange on the counter and saying "uh, uh" like he will when he wants something. I told him to tell me what he wanted and not to say "uh". He thought really hard and then said "yewwow"(yellow). He knew that he wanted the orange, just couldn't remember the color - haha. Thought that was kind of funny. He also pointed to three different colors of play-doh yesterday and got all three colors right. I was proud!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Way to go Fisher on your colors!!! You are such a little smartie pants!! And, very cute too!!! :) Love, Kristen