Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Animal Kingdom

I really enjoyed the Animal Kingdom. The safari ride was excellent, and we must have hit it at the right time, becuase the animals were all out and active. We also got to see a live show, "Finding Nemo" - one of the kids' favorite movies. It isn't a big park, so we got to do a lot
without rushing around trying to see it all. It was a very relaxing and fun day!
Clint's favorite part of the trip. Walking around, holding their hands. Just getting to spend some time with the kids.
Kerry got this awesome shot of the Tree of Life.

Waiting to watch the 3D "Bugs Life" movie. A bit scary for Gracie, but she did alright - even when the black widow spiders were dropping from the ceiling!

She kept ducking under the ropes to get to the goats and sheep. I realized later that the top of her head smelled like barnyard animals! Yuck!

That very first bite of Mickey's ear is always the best. :)
What a sweet girl to share with Daddy!
Chillin' out.
Hippos, not rocks!

When Fisher was little and we would play the game "What does a chicken say..., What does a pig say...", we would always ask "What does a giraffe say?" to which we'd answer "I'm tall!" (because who knows what a giraffe says??). We rounded the corner on the safari ride, and there were giraffes right by our bus/jeep thing. Fisher's face lit up, he stood up and said "I'm tall!". They were so beautiful and amazing to see so up close.

Look at the beautiful patterns on the baby!
We had them on both sides - so neat.

Enjoying the river. Like father like son.

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