Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Boy's Birthday

The poor little boy's real birthday involved a lot of this:

Poor guy woke up with hives, and spent the day with a headache and tummy problems. I'm hoping it was a reaction to the antibiotic it was on, because I would hate to think he had a migraine at this age. Needless to say, he didn't feel like eating cake and ice cream (and he was looking forward to helping me make the cake), so we did it the next day. He felt much better by then.

He was very sweet - he wanted Gracie and Daddy to help him blow out the candles.

Then, by that weekend, he was ready for his pirate party with his buddies, Riley and Raegan. Just a small party, but he sure had fun being the birthday boy!

Paint your own pirate flag!

It was supposed to be a bean bag toss, but a bean bag drop was easier for Gracie. :)

A pirate-y version of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. Funny how they all lined it up perfectly - with NO peeking - lol. Except Gracie - she walked up with her eyes wide open, and still missed the mark - haha.

Pirate loot made by Mommy. :)

So proud while we were singing Happy Birthday. Of course we had to start over, because we didn't have the lights out at first. He's a bit of a control freak - I have no idea where he gets it. ;)

It must be hard partying like a pirate!

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