Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Birthday Boy

Four years ago, at 4:11 p.m., this boy entered our lives. It seems like it was just yesterday, and yet, I can't remember my life before him. Happy Birthday, my sweet son.

(And for those who don't know, Clint has worked in building 411 for 20-something years. A neat coincidence that Fisher was born at that time, we think.)

She adores her big brother.

Christmas 2009

Christmas cookies for Santa. The cookies were just a mix, but I made the icing from a recipe I found online. It was awful!! Oh well - they had fun, and we only iced a couple for Santa (but the kids snitched one from his plate!).

Christmas Eve at Lolo's and Poppypaw's

We spent Christmas Eve with Mom, Dad, Tracy, Tim and Uncle Kevin. We had a delicious rib roast along with all the usual sides. The kids were excited to open presents, and I made sure I got some photos of the kids with Mom and Dad.

Rockstar in training.

Sorry, Kev. It's just too funny to keep to myself. :)

Christmas Dinner at Nanny's and Pappy's

We ate a wonderful dinner at Nanny's and Pappy's. We were able to stuff ourselves silly since we had eaten dinner at Mom and Dad's the night before. I also took the time to get some much needed photos of the kids with their grandparents!

Look at those yummy pies!

Clint wishes I could make pies like his mom. (Actually, he just wishes I could make pies - lol). She makes her crusts from scratch (and everything else).

Four of eight grandchildren!

Couldn't get them to look at me at all! Nanny and Pappy look great though.

She completely crashed on the kitchen floor. I think I was doing dishes and she was crying for me to pick her up. I realized she was quiet, and this is what I found. Too much tryptophan from the turkey - lol.


She's ambidextrous like Pappy and Uncle "Keckan". Wonder if she'll outgrow it? I think she'll be a lefty though.

Kind of looks like the "Naked Cowboy" of NYC!

Can't really see how pretty this was in the photos. Clint told me to go look at the moon the other night, and there was this beautiful ring around it. Very pretty.